Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Laker Pride Students

Congratulations! Laker Pride Students for the Week of May 28th

8th grade:

Mekenna Miller

Jaxon Plissken

Tyler Truso

7th grade:

Lauren Rogers

Anna Konrad

Jadi Bergren

6th grade:

Lauren Wick

Corey McNally

Santos Pelcastre

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Twin Oaks Middle School Finals Schedule

Middle School Finals Schedule 2013

                          June 5th Day 2

Finals                    PERIOD 7                    7:25 - 8:16      51 min
Finals                    PERIOD 4                    8:20 - 9:11      51 min
A Lunch                                    8:20-8:46
                                    A PT                                         8:50-9:11
                                    B PT                                         8:20-8:41
                                    B Lunch                                    8:45-9:11

Finals                    PERIOD 5                    9:15 – 10:06    51 min
                                    C Lunch                                    9:15-9:41
                                    C PT                                         9:45-10:06
                                    D PT                                         9:15-9:36
                                    D Lunch                                    9:40-10:06

Finals                    PERIOD 6                    10:10 - 11:01    51 min
                                E Lunch                                    10:10-10:36
                                    E PT                                         10:40-11:01
                                    F PT                                         10:10-10:31
                                    F Lunch                                    10:35-11:01

                           June 6th Day 2

PRIMETIME                                             7:25 - 7:40         15min
Finals                    PERIOD 1                   7:44 - 8:38          54min
Finals                    PERIOD 2                   8:42 - 9:36          54 min
Finals                     PERIOD 3                  9:40 - 10:34        54 min
End of Year Celebration                           10:38 - 11:00         22 min

TOMS/HOMS 8th Grade Marching Band in Memorial Day Parade and Ceremony

On Monday May 27th the Prior Lake High School Marching Band and the Twin Oaks and Hidden Oaks Middle School Combined 8th Grade Marching Band represented our schools and our community in the VFW-sponsored Memorial Day parade and ceremony through the center of Prior Lake.  Students have been learning about the sense of honoring those who have served our country and those who have gone before us in service of our nation.  At the conclusion of the parade was a ceremony to honor fallen soldiers with words from community leaders, members of the VFW and more music from the bands.  Thank you to all those who have served or are currently serving in our Armed Forces.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


LAKER PRIDE students for the week of May 20th. Congratulations!

6th Grade:
Tyler Kerr
Ashley Dols
Jordan Zupan
Dashanel Wafford
Skylar Savoy
Bella Burtsev

7th Grade:
Jillian Miedema
Ethan Franzen
Robin Johannes
Justin In
Allie Kepner
Carly Brosious

8th Grade:
Taylor Robinson
Seil Weiss
Mary Schwegman
Christian Cole
Alexa Bester
Andrew Haefner