Over MEA break, a group of 194 eighth-grade students, from
both Hidden Oaks and Twin Oaks Middle Schools, visited our Nation’s
capital. The students experienced history first-hand! Students
visited many historical places, including Arlington National Cemetery,
Jamestown, Williamsburg, Mount Vernon, various Smithsonian Museums, many of the
monuments on the National Mall, and the Holocaust Museum. Students came
away from the trip with a better understanding of American history as well as a
great introduction to our Nation’s capital.
Already looking forward to next year’s trip, the advisors
have provided the current seventh graders with the opportunity to attend an
informational meeting on November 15th during the school day. There
will also be a parent information meeting on November 15th at 6:00
p.m. at Twin Oaks Middle School. Please visit the trip website for more
information: visit your school’s webpage, select “Activities,” select
“Washington D.C. Trip,” select “8th Grade Washington D.C. Trip” from
the left-hand menu.