Attention all parents of 7th
graders. We are very excited to offer an amazing once in a life- time
opportunity for your student. Next fall over MEA Break(Wednesday Oct. 19th
– Saturday Oct. 22nd) we will be taking our annual 8th
grade Washington D.C. trip. This trip is an wonderful opportunity for your son
or daughter to travel to our nation’s capital and experience history first
hand. Information will be shared with students on Friday Nov. 20th .
The following Monday Nov. 23rd we will be having an optional parent
information meeting in the Twin Oaks Auditorium from 6:30 to 7:30. The
purpose of the meeting is to quickly explain the trip and then open up the
floor to parent question. If you have any question please contact
Mr. Mertens
or Mr. Dapper
Nathan A. Dapper
7th Grade American History Teacher Twin Oaks
Middle School