Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Dates to Mark on your Calendar

Thursday, Nov. 8th Early Release Day and End of First Quarter
TOMS students will be dismissed at 12:15 pm

Friday, Nov. 9th No School

Week of Nov. 12th-16th Middle School Chemical Health Spirit Week

The week of November 12-16 is Chemical Health Week.  TOMS is joining schools across the country with activities planned to promote a healthy lifestyle to their students. During Chemical Health Week, we will have a Spirit Week. We hope to encourage our students to think about living a chemical free life.

 MONDAY: Team Up/Jersey Day- wear your favorite team gear
 TUESDAY: Wear Red Day
 WEDNESDAY: Laker Pride Day- wear blue and gold!
 THURSDAY: Sock It To Drugs Day- wear cool socks
 FRIDAY: Smarties Day- show how smart you are by wearing smartie candy colors

We hope to see everyone participating in this fun-filled week!

Friday, Nov. 16th 6th Grade Activity Night 
On Friday, November 16th, HOMS and TOMS will be hosting a joint Activity Night for our 6th graders. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, you get to hang out with your friends from across the street! The Activity Night will be held at Hidden Oaks from 2:15-4:00. Some of the activities to look forward to include:

-         A movie
 -        Karaoke
 -        Concessions- candy, pop, pizza
 -        Open gym- volleyball and basketball
 -        BINGO
 -        Swimming

You will need a signed permission slip turned in with $5 to attend the activity night. Permission slips can be found in the main office of both schools. We hope to see you all there!