Friday, December 12, 2014

Middle School Ski Club Mondays

First Ski Club Date: 12/15/14 (This Monday)  

Drop off all skis/snowboards in TOMS lower level lot at trailers between 6:45 – 7:15AM

Boots and warm clothes can be stored in the buildings:
TOMS (near PE Office) and HOMS (near Main Office)

All lift tickets and rental forms will be distributed afterschool near the “gear” storage rooms in each building

Grab lift tickets/rental forms, “warm gear”, backpack and head to bus ASAP (there may be 3 students to a seat on bus)

Ski Club bus locations:     
TOMS: lower level lot near cafeteria
HOMS: HO front doors of building
Buses leave at 2:30pm (Please be on time)