Wednesday, March 20, 2013

PTC Carnival

The annual PTC Carnival is coming up on Saturday, April 20th  from 11-4:30 and we need the help of the middle school students!  We need a LOT of student volunteers to staff all areas of the Carnival, primarily Games, Crafts, Bingo and Food Sales.  A volunteer flyer should be coming home with students this week with all of the details.
Sign up is online and really easy.  Go to and select the time and the place where you would like to volunteer.  Please note that an e-mail address and password is required to sign up and all reminders and updates will go to that e-mail.  
Parents: Please encourage your son or daughter to volunteer for one or more shifts.  We really rely on and appreciate their help and it is a great local volunteer opportunity for your student.  Thank you for helping us make this community-wide event a success!