Tuesday, March 12, 2013

TOMS students meet Author Jordan Sonnenblick

Saturday March 9th 2013 was an exciting one, when the Prior Lake and Savage Public libraries partnered with the Middle School and High School Media Centers to host Jordan Sonnenblick-the author of Drums, Girls and Dangerous Pie, After Ever After, Zen and the Art of Faking it, Notes from the Midnight Driver, and Curveball.  Students in Mrs. Zurn’s book clubs at Twin Oaks and Hidden Oaks Middle Schools were able to sit down, eat pizza, and talk with the author personally before the visit!  The students also received a swag bag full of goodies as they came in the door and if they picked up vouchers from the public library for a free book, students were able to get it autographed by the author himself.  Our middle school bands directed by Brian Melody and Dagan Hanson were able to perform for the author visit as well-they did a super job!  In total 118 guests arrived to hear the author speak about the books he has written and also his talk was on how to be a happy adult - very insightful, super funny, and spot on, with information about Drums Girls and Dangerous Pie and some of the other books woven in.  Drawings for free books and St. Paul Saints tickets occurred at the end of the event.  Thank you to everyone who participated to make this a great day!